Your Biblical Heritage


Books by Lawrence Blanchard

About the Covenant Heritage Series


Political correctness is a weapon used to silence people whose arguments can't be refuted.

About the Covenant Heritage Series

The Covenant Heritage Series is comprised of seven books designed to help you understand what the Bible says and to consider what it means by what it says. Each book builds on the previous book to provide a comprehensive, but easy to follow, historical approach to the Bible. In addition, they address important questions and implications about the present condition and future reality of the United States of America and all the nations of western civilization.

Taken together, these books follow the unfolding plan and purpose of God for a covenant family from Genesis to Revelation. They seek to help restore the lost and relatively unknown heritage and divinely-ordained purpose of these covenant people.

Transform Your Thinking – Find Your Life Purpose

These books are designed to make you think!

More accurately, to cause you to re-think about what the Bible actually says and means. Not what others think it says and means, or what you assume it says and means, or what you would like it to say and mean, but what it simply says and means by what it says.

Do you have the courage to learn how to study the Bible, even if you discover truths contrary to what you currently believe to be true?

If the Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testaments, is indeed the God-breathed word of the living God, then the reading and study of it should be one of the most important occupations of your life. To know for yourself what it says and means by what it says should be the primary pursuit of your life. Do you agree with that?

Ignorant of What the Bible Says

The truth is that most professing “Christians” (Protestants or Catholics) are ignorant. They don’t know what the Bible says and they don’t know how to find that out. They have to rely on what they are taught by their pastor or priest.

Moreover, as a student of the Bible for the past 38 years, I boldly and without hesitation declare that the majority opinion about what the Bible says and means is, for the most part, not correct.

Despite all the scholarship, seminary and Bible schools, all the available Bibles in all their modern versions, all the TV and radio Christian broadcasts, all the churches, all the books on almost every possible topic – despite all these, there has been a failure to grasp the unity and consistency of the Bible as to what it actually says and means.

Two Major Problems

We have missed the mark so badly in major areas of biblical understanding primarily because we have failed to connect the key people, covenants and events of the Bible into one cohesive, non-contradictory whole from Genesis to Revelation. We have made, and continue to make, two major mistakes that have resulted in misunderstanding the written word of God. First, we have not been absolutely strict enough to consistently apply well- recognized and accepted principles of interpretation. (Go to Book One and click on the Free Introduction download at the bottom of the page.)

Second, we have allowed prevailing, but unproven assumptions to dictate and color what the Bible says and means. Assumptions like: God loves everybody and thus the Bible is a universally applied book. Here is another assumption:  the people who call themselves “Jews” today are God’s chosen people. (Yes, these books do challenge those assumptions.)

But is what I just said to you too upsetting? Let me ask you though, Can you prove those assumptions from the evidence of the Scriptures and from history?

I submit to you that they are NOT correct. And I will go further. If you believe those assumptions, 70% of the Bible is closed to your understanding.

What these books do is to carefully and systematically put together the Bible to help you understand it. And when you are finished, you will see the big picture as to how the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob set forth and carried out His Kingdom plan to accomplish His purpose to rule and reign in justice and peace.


Let’s find out if you know the answers to these Bible questions:

  • Can you explain the nature of the Abrahamic covenant promises in respect to the unfolding plan of God to establish His Kingdom?
  •  Can you explain the critical difference and relationship between the covenant promises to Abraham and the Old or Mosaic Covenant?
  •  Can you explain the critical reason for the biblical genealogies from Genesis 5-11 in respect to the covenant promises to Abraham and the Kingdom of God.
  •  Do you know the relationship between the covenant promises God gave to Abraham and the New Covenant in Jesus Christ?
  •  Can you explain the significance of what happened to the house of Judah and the house of Israel in respect to their relationship to God and the establishment of His Kingdom?
  •  Can you name the parties to the New Covenant according to what the Bible actually says (without looking at the Bible)?
  •  Can you correctly identify the so-called “Gentiles” according to the Apostle Paul (in Romans 9:22-26) and the Apostle Peter (in I Peter 2:9-10)? (Those references you can look up.)
  •  Can you identify to whom all the Abrahamic covenant promises were fulfilled?
  •  Can you explain, according to the Bible, how all the races originated from Adam?
  •  Can you correctly identify where the term “nations” is first used in the Bible and who those “nations” are?
  •  Can you correctly identify who the church is comprised of according to the Bible?

I submit that most pastors cannot correctly answer these questions by the evidence from the Bible. In fact, the Bible is the most misunderstood Book in the world – until now!

The books  in the Covenant Heritage Series will help you to find the answers to each question and much more. How? Through a careful, systematic teaching of the evidence verified by consistent application of accepted principles of interpretation.  The Covenant Heritage Series is a step-by-step systematic training that transforms ordinary people into Bible masters – Guaranteed! And these books are very readable too.

What you will find is a very different perspective and understanding of the entire Bible that comes from a unique approach to the Bible. What is that approach? I lay the Bible out in consecutive order in an easy-to-understand story.

Your Life Purpose

But beyond making you actually think about what the Bible says and means, these books will help you to also think deeply about the purpose of your life.

You will understand the Bible like you may have never understood it before – whether you are a scholar or a complete novice.  In that understanding, you may find a renewed purpose for your life. If you are floundering in finding the real purpose and significance of your life and searching for direction in your life, take a look at these books.

You were created to know and live in ultimate purpose – a purpose worth living and dying for. I know there is a deep longing to find this – a deep longing to be truly fulfilled.

But to find it, you have to find the truth about what the Creator God has said and what He has done. And you have to find out whether you are a part of that truth and that story.

Do you know who you are and why you have been created? Do you know what you are supposed to be doing with your life? Have you found the answer that you KNOW is the answer you have been searching for? Have you found LIFE itself?

To begin the journey to find these answers, you must first understand accurate, verifiable biblical theology – who God has revealed Himself to be, what He has said, what He has done, and what He intends to do in our present time. Do you understand this? Do you want to be a part of this? Would you like a road-map to help you find your way?

If you could find the ultimate answers for your life, would you be willing to risk your family, your friends, your job – your life? Are you sure?

I believe the Covenant Heritage Series can help you! These books are not casual reading. They are to be studied and tested. In the end, you must own the truth for yourself. You must know for sure.

Testimonial About the Covenant Heritage Series

The foundational framework of your reality revolves around three essential questions: understanding who you are, where you are, and what you are. Errors in any of these aspects can weaken your foundation, making you vulnerable to deceit and the agendas of adversaries. Is there a more fitting term than "deceived" to describe the current state our people find themselves in today?


Lawrence Blanchard's Covenant Heritage Series serves as a beacon of truth for the descendants of the lost tribes of the house of Israel. Through seven meticulously crafted books, each building upon the last, Blanchard establishes a solid groundwork of biblical and self-awareness. These books provide clear, evidence-based answers to those three fundamental questions of identity, thereby immunizing readers against susceptibility to deception and arming them with discernment.


Yet, the scope of the series surpasses mere identification of Biblical Israel in the modern era. Blanchard passionately presents a compelling case for both individual and collective responsibility in realizing God’s Kingdom on earth, a responsibility bestowed upon those fortunate enough to share in covenant heritage. This call to action is empowering, standing in stark contrast to the prevailing modern Christian narrative focused solely on individual salvation and passive waiting for the imminent rapture.


On a personal note, the Covenant Heritage Series has been an undeniable blessing for both myself and my family. It is solely through the grace and guiding hand of God that I encountered the Anglo-Israel truth and discovered Lawrence Blanchard's work early on in my journey of biblical study and Christian faith. While many in my midst have been led astray by seemingly well-intentioned but ultimately deceptive dispensational teachings, I have been fortunate to guide my family on a path firmly rooted in truth.


I've heard it suggested that those unfamiliar with the Anglo-Israel message remain unaware of their incapacity to fully comprehend approximately 90% of what they read in the Bible. While I cannot speak definitively to this estimate, I can share a personal anecdote. The revelations unearthed in the Covenant Heritage Series have provided me with a profound understanding of biblical context and have allowed me to delve into depths of comprehension that were previously inaccessible to me.


I wholeheartedly endorse The Covenant Heritage Series and Lawrence Blanchard without reservation. May it bring the same blessings to you and your loved ones as it has to me, and may God graciously open your eyes to the truths His Word contains, just as He has done for me. Thank you! – Jim Wood, NY


Synopsis of the Covenant Heritage Series

Here is a brief synopsis of each book in the Covenant Heritage Series in order:

Book One: Discover the Story of Your Biblical Heritage: Laying the Foundation (an overview of the progressive revelation of God showing that the Bible is written about, and for, one man’s family from the Old Testament to the New Testament).
ISBN 978-0-9714328-2-6
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Book Two: Identifying Biblical Israel Today: The Evidence (traces the migrations, heraldry, and languages from biblical Israel to the present day and presenting the best available information as to who the Jews are today).
ISBN 978-0-9714328-4-0
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Book Three: The Foundation and Fulfillment of The Old and New Covenant Scriptures: One Book - One People (goes deeper into Scripture beyond Book One to show its unity and consistency).
ISBN 978-0-9714328-5-7
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Book Four: God’s Covenant Creation: Adam’s Race and Mandate (a study of the meaning of Genesis 1-11 in the context of the rest of the Bible and an introduction as to God’s purpose for creating Adam and who he was).
ISBN 978-0-9714328-6-4
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Book Five: The Greatest Deception of Our Time: Exposing the Doctrine of Diversity and Multiculturalism (helping God’s covenant people to understand the unbiblical and destructive doctrine of diversity and multiculturalism and how that has grossly and deceptively affected our understanding of the Bible and consequently, our world perspective).
ISBN 978-0-9714328-7-1
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Book Six: The Biblical Story of Prophecy: The Kingdom Established (how our understanding of prophecy affects how we think today and how we respond to the issues of our day).
ISBN 978-0-9714328-8-8
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Book Seven: The Kingdom of God Manifested: Conquering the Kingdom of Darkness (a review of what has gone wrong and biblical principles on how to realize the rule and reign of God in our lives, our families, our churches and nations).
ISBN 978-0-9714328-9-5
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Books by Lawrence Blanchard Articles


Covenant Heritage Series
Posted: 07/22/2021
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New Breakthrough in Understanding the Bible
Books by Lawrence Blanchard | About the Covenant Heritage Series

By Lawrence Blanchard, ND, MDiv ATTENTION!    If you think that the Bible is a confusing book, then then you’re not alone.  Now you can know what it says and means for yourself! At Last, A Break-Through Approach That Will Help You Once And For All Make Sense Of What The Bible Is All About That's right! With the Covenant Heritage Series Bible training program, I'l...  READ MORE

Covenant Heritage Series
Posted: 07/07/2021
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The Meaning of Life Itself
Books by Lawrence Blanchard | About the Covenant Heritage Series

By Lawrence Blanchard, ND, MDiv Deep within the core of your soul and every cell of your body is a hunger and thirst for a truth that will totally satisfy the need for absolute meaning and purpose and answer your question: What is the meaning of life itself? Heritage and Destiny It may be an unconscious drive to find that ultimate meaning of life itself. To know and live in a purpose grea...  READ MORE
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